Fortunes At Our Feet
Arriving under leafy eucalyptus branches
Snowy tent tops like
a tiny cathedral in the grass
Folks mingling,
excitement wafting through the air
Pigs roasting over ashy coals
Kids chasing fun over patches of green
and jumping for dreams
on candy colored air castles.
Our future knights and ladies
under the kingly guard,
of the Lord’s servants
Adults smiling to the sky,
Bagpipes blow as the tartan lady dances
Over sword and scabbard
with the seriousness of history
A festival of reformers
Clapping and conversation
Tyndale walks into our ears
on the cobblestone streets of our minds
Is that Calvin walking ahead
talking with Luther?
Great men leading us
from our past,
lingering on our future.
Scripture from scratchings, and etchings,
epochs ago
Treasure in our hands,
treasure in our hearts,
treasure for children’s children.

The Serving of Food
Pork rolling, gobblers frying
Mouths watering as juices drip,
oil bubbles over.
Anticipating the thick passion of roasted meat.
White coals and rising fervor
Folks salivating as eyes watch
round and round.
Pigs hog tied over fire with chicken wire.
Twisting, twisting, slowly twisting.
Kegs of brew sitting on ice,
friends with crimson cups
Sippin’ suds,
No such thing as bitterness
Crisp salads and warm sides
Breads in baskets
peeking out from
behind thin towels
Plates piled with bounty
and mouths full of gratefulness
Fruit punch stains beyond children’s lips
Ribs plucked dry by anxious teeth
Impossibly smooth plates
wiped clean by rolls of wheat.

Velcro Wall
Boys and girls bounding inside
stifling, sweaty, suits.
Violet images soaring through
space, sail and Stick!
Another and another slam and then
ripped down
by gravity and
a pull of the foot
A small lad, sitting on the side,
riding on a wall of air.
Jouncing, bouncing,
like a bobble headed boy.
A miniature cowboy on a red vinyl horse.
Two hands holding on,
a slip,
and a near fall.
He’s hanging-on with a laugh, grinning-giggle.
Watching the purple people
hurdling into the wall beside him.
How much more fun can a three year old have?

Wise Foolishnesses
Legs in potato sacks jumping
Elbows locked as kids drag a friend for run
Faces wet and dunking,
laboring for fruit.
All mirth and delight.
Outright hilarity and let go of your modesty
Pie in your eye and embedded in your beard
Lean forward, suck it down
Sink your teeth in the sugary froth
Applicator of tin
full of face cream
-whipped topping, chocolate pudding pie.
Pictures snap and bulbs flash in the aftermath of
Breathing up the sweet sloppy dish.

Bold Ballet
Dancing under cloudy skies
Wet feet pass each other on the damp ground.
Tennis shoes and sandals,
boots and bare feet.
Happy toes, delighted soles
wiggling in the dance.
Hands grabbing,
fingers friendly
gripping and letting go
A twist, a turn,
a new face smiling in the round.
Music of fiddles and laughter from joy
A cacophonic symphony of friends
To live
the life of the festival heart

Gather all you people
for a festival of reform
Gather all you gray clouds
to wash the sinners clean
Reign down on us Lord
with all your grace and love
Rain down on us soft black
guardians of smoke in the sky
Scatter the weak
and assemble the mighty
Splatter the demons
of forgetfulness
Revive or history and make
our heritage strong
Protect our children’s legacy.
Clear visions of the future
in grasping our past
What others have stood up and
fallen for.